Gopalan Ramakrishnan M.Com, MBA Education Management; B.Ed
Greetings From Vailankanni Education Family
The only person who is Educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.
– Carl Rogers
Dear Parents, Facilitators, Students & Well Wishers
It gives me immense pleasure to join the Vailankanni Education Family. The process of Education is the process of Constant Learning and Knowledge sharing. It is the process of Self Discovery. The world is constantly changing and this throws up the challenge of coping with this Change. Bridging the gap becomes an essential responsibility of Education Today, in order to walk with confidence, create opportunities. It is important to empower our students with Life Skills, these include Technology, Communication specially in English Language; Leadership and Management. These Skills – LSRW -Listening; Speaking; Reading & Writing can be imparted in the classroom as Academic Modules, in the sports field and physical fitness, cultural activities, Assembly, Artistic pursuits and Social initiatives. This makes Education “POORNA SIKSHA” Holistic Learning experience and mold all round personalities.
School has been upgraded to Grade XI and all necessary measures are being followed with great zeal. CBSE curriculum offers immense advantage as its assessment, and curriculum delivery system are at par with Global Standards of Education. This would equip students with the much needed Social & Life skills. It is not the goal of Education to score marks. Marks need not necessarily reflect the real learning that takes place.
I look forward to progress and untiring support extended from the larger community. This would undoubtedly make Schools to grow from strength to strength. The world community expects schools to hone skills of Attitude and Values like Regularity; Punctuality; Politeness; Kindness; Humility; Simplicity; Caring nature; Sharing nature; Team work; Respect to elders, and Smart work etc. Schools and Parents need to come together to enhance these skills as the prospective employment world of Business Community; Corporate have identified these skills to be incorporated in schools. The students and children of today are our wealth and investment for the future.
Let us all contribute to positive action and positive results. As I have always endorsed on the view that youth power has unlimited potential, I do sincerely hope that if we add value to young lives and also let them hold on to a value system, the society would be a better place today. Various programs in the School will be designed to add value to the student community. Let us create an opportunity for them to grow in an Holistic way, leading in Academic Knowledge, excelling in co curricular activities, gaining strength from sporting activities and becoming Humane with the value based inputs. If we support them well they would be the pillars of tomorrow.
We always welcome suggestions and ideas that would benefit all in the larger sense.
I would like to conclude with a famous quote from John Dewy, ‘Education is not the preparation for life, Education is Life itself. ‘ Let us get Educated and Let Us Make Life. Knowledge is Power.
Gopalan Ramakrishnan M.Com, MBA Education Management; B.Ed
Principal & Director Academics
Vailankanni Group of Institutions