Category: News
Monthly Programme by Prep I B – “Domestic Animals”
Monthly Programme by Prep I A – “Our National Symbols”
Monthly Programme by Pre- Kg Kids” Alphabets”
SERENATA – Musical Evening
Power of Positivity

Power of Positivity Ever thought what are the 10 habits that positive thinking people possess? Here is a list of activities that make them stand out ByREMEZ SASSON Positive people don’t wait for life to turn out the way you want, before they can start enjoying it. They don’t worry about problems… Continue reading
The soap and water routine

The Soap and water routine Besides it being a simple habit to acquire, frequent hand-washing is the first line of defence against disease-causing germs … Continue reading
Picnic to KRP Dam – Class I Kids
Thanking the world, thanking people

Thanking the world, thanking people MINI KRISHNAN As both a feeling and an awareness, gratitude is a virtue with ethical consequences. A story by Bisham Sahni called “The Boss Came to Dinner,” unfolds with Shamnath, a corporate executive, arranging the house for his visiting MD… Continue reading